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Welcome to Jesus' Math Blog
Everything you need for Math Analysis is right here!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fibonacci Haiku: $WAG

All Day 
Snapbacks And Tattoos 
My Swag Is Pretty Good 
But Table "Cee" Swag Is Definitely The Best 

Friday, November 15, 2013

SP #5: Unit J Concept 6: Partial Fraction Decomposition with same factors

When working on this problem, the viewer must be able know how to separate the original system into parts so that you can get letters such as A,B, and C. The viewer must be able to know how to get a common denominator and multiply the numerator so that you can work out the entire system. Finally, the viewer must be able to know how to plug in the system into the RREF part of your calculator to solve the system. 

SP #4: Unit J Concept 5 Partial Fraction Decomposition with distinct linear factors

When working out this problem, the viewer must pay special attention on how you are to divide your problem into different letters depending on the denominator. They must be able to know how to find the common denominator. They must also pay special attention on how they must work out their systems into their calculator so that they can get the final answer of the problem.

Monday, November 11, 2013

SV #5: Unit J Concepts 3&4: solving three system equations

To view my video, click here

In this video, I am showing how to solve a three variable system equation. When watching this video, the viewer must be able to understand the process of getting the triangle of 0's and the stairway of 1's. They must be able to recognize what rows to use when you are tying to get the zeroes and ones. Finally, the viewer must be able to know how to use their calculator to solve your work. They must know where the RREF button is and how to answer it.